Pulse Recipes

Nipper Lentils Lamb Salad by Simon Bryant & dirt(y) incJacqui Way Photography

Recipe collections

Buying pulses

Ward McKenzie is a Pulse Australia member with a proud history of providing pulse food products for Australian households. Be sure to check out their product range online and at your favourite supermarket or grocer.

Contact: Melissa Clayton
T: 03 9392 9I55
E: m.clayton@ward.com.au

Cooking with pulses

To find more ways to enjoy more pulses everyday, check out these links:

The Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC) is the independent authority on the nutrition and health benefits of grains and legumes.

GLNC is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and a recognised health promotion charity. As the independent authority on the nutrition and health benefits of grains and legumes, GLNC provides a platform for organisations from across the grains and legumes value chain that have a pre-competitive interest in promoting the health and nutrition benefits of grains, grain-based foods and legumes. As the independent authority on the nutrition and health benefits of grains and legumes, GLNC’s mission is to promote grains and legumes nutrition as part of a balanced diet through evidence-based information cultivating good health.

Recipe competition

Pulses are fabulously delicious and good for you! To celebrate the versatility of pulses, the International Year of Pulses 2016 conducted a recipe competition that attracted over 60 entrants offering uniquely Australian dishes that show off new and innovative ways to use pulses grown here.

To view recipes submitted as part of the competition, click here.

To download the Australian Signature Dish recipe card, click here.